LinkedIn Insights From a Fortune 500 Recruiter

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LinkedIn Insights From a Fortune 500 Recruiter


According to Forbes, about 95% of recruiters use LinkedIn to search for open positions. Don’t you wish you could know what they are looking for and how they evaluate your profile? This visual, 9-page LinkedIn guide takes you section by section, from profile setup to expanding your network, and provides insights from a Fortune 500 and SMB Recruiter. You will learn what information you should and should not include, how to make your profile rise to the top of search results and what discernments screeners are making from the content provided.

“… I have a phone interview with (target company) this afternoon… they actually reached out to me based on my LinkedIn profile, without me having applied. Thanks for all of your help!” – Management Level Client

“… I definitely noticed a huge spike in interest following the update to my LinkedIn profile.” – C-Suite Level Client

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